(American Baseball Coaches Association)
We are committed to hiring the best person for the job. One who is dedicated to their craft, laser focused on player development, and committed to fostering a strong relationship with both player and parent.
Mission360 takes enormous pride in the humans we bring on board. We thoroughly vet our candidates and only hire those that are 100% lock in step with our Mission Statement and Core Values. Every instructor and trainer must possess a growth mindset and be committed to the Learn, Grow, Evolve mantra that we strive to live everyday. Additionally, every instructor must pass USA Baseball's comprehensive background check and be at least a USA Baseball Level 1 certified coach. We love all of our instructors and invest in their continued development as people and as instructors. You can be confident that your son and/or daughter is receiving the absolute best instruction, guidance, and mentorship available in this area!
1+ certifications (Driveline, Rapsodo, etc.,) or in the process of achieving.
1+ certifications (Driveline, Rapsodo, etc.,) or in the process of achieving.
(American Baseball Coaches Association)
5+ years of coaching experience (youth, high school, college, and\/or professional level)"
5+ years of coaching experience (youth, high school, college, and\/or professional level)"
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